Nike Youth Football Grant

About the Program

Through an expanded partnership with Nike, the NFL and NFL Foundation are able to provide up to $45,000 per club to activate in a variety of youth and high school spaces. Requirements for usage of the grant below: 

Funding usage must be consistent with similar club resources typically allocated as a result of grant dollars received from NFL Foundation (Club Program Grants, Matching Grants, etc..)

Funding can be used for shirts, equipment, programming costs, travel, etc.

Funding can only be used for the following Nike Programming specifically. Please note the amounts are the maximum a club can receive. You may not use funds from one category for additional spending in another. 

• $10,000 – Boys High School Football (11-on)

• $10,000 – Girls High School Flag/Girls Flag

• $5,000 – Coaches Clinic (Youth/High School)

• $20,000 – Indigenous Program (2024-2029)

As part of its commitment to expand access to sport for the next generation of athletes, NIKE, Inc. is partnering with NFL clubs to increase opportunities for Native American and Indigenous youth to become involved in football. Through Nike’s five-year, $3.2 million investment, each NFL club can receive $20,000 per year to collaborate with local Indigenous nonprofits and other organizations and fund football-based programs for youth in Native American communities. Together, we can help break down barriers to sport for Indigenous youth.

Club should indicate how they plan to use the funds during the application process; info should be shared to internal NFL groups (YHSFB Dept/Foundation/PR, etc..) and Nike

Clubs will be required to complete grant reports for the NFL Foundation

Who Can Apply

Applications are only available for NFL Team Personnel 

Important Dates

The application deadline is January 1, 2025

  • Health & Safety
  • Youth Football
  • Social Justice
  • Matching Grants